This week, right-wing think tank, the Maxim Institute proposed an extension of the current 3 year term of office by another year, so our governments can actually get things done. Not sure if they'd be quite so keen if Labour was currently in charge, but it got me thinking; how long IS long enough to rule the land?...
1: Forever. Under the current system, too many people just don't take their votes seriously enough. If they only had one, things would get pretty real.
2: For Life. It's worked so well for royal families, North Korea and Cuba, why wouldn't it work here?
3: Week About. Isn't it just more fair to give everyone a go, one week on, one week off? Like a job share.
4: Carryover Champion. Give the other guys their say on each issue as it happens, but if they can't beat the government's score, they don't get to come back and play again next week.
5: Overnight. This would really keep them honest. The way I see it working is a bit like that thing some music stations do, where they have two songs and everybody texts in to vote for the song they think is better. We'd be happy to host it on Newstalk ZB.
6: Bring Back the Worm. The technology to tell us who's the most popular from one second to the next was amazingly ahead of its time. Let's use it again. The moment the government does something stupid, the worm turfs them out. If we could get an actual giant worm to do it, all the better.
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