Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Within minutes of Pope Benedict XVI's resignation, catholic social media was abuzz with predictions of who the new pontiff might be. Here are a few of my own...

1: Sonny Bill Williams. He just needs to confirm if it was 10 or 12 commandments first.

2: John Key. He loves being in charge of things. And he's not nearly as Jewish as he used to be.

3: Lady Gaga. If anybody knows how to wear an over-the-top frock and a crazy hat, she does.

4: Psy. If nothing else, Gangnam Style proved he can turn a song with lyrics nobody understands into a massive world-wide hit. One or two wacky dance moves could really liven things up at mass too.

5: Lance Armstrong. When it comes to denying obvious truths everyone figured out years ago, he's your man. Not sure how confidential he'd keep your confession though.

6: Winston Peters. No-one has more experience dealing with the embarrassing antics of his underlings than he has.

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