Wednesday 27 March 2013


All holidays are great. Easter may be the greatest of all. Here's why...

1: Mondayisation. This holiday is SO Mondayised, they even call one of the days Easter Monday. That's how we do it, government. And this is an old school holiday too - it must've been around for a couple of thousand years or so.

2: Fridayisation. I think this is also something to be encouraged. Why have one day off when you can have TWO? Waitangi Day, you're looking more and more ridiculous every second.

3: Foil Easter Egg Wrappers. Don't you just love meticulously smoothing these out and then gluing them in a special scrapbook? Oh come on! I can't be the only one who did this as a kid can I? Can I?

4: Surprise Dates. What could be more fun than a public holiday that nobody can predict WHEN it will actually happen every year? Crazy.

5: Traffic. Going away for long weekends is really the only time I get to drive the Domestic Manager's car. It's awesome, so if I have to spend hours in a bumper-to-bumper queue trying to escape the city, no biggie. I'm just enjoying the atmos.

6: Exercise. What a great opportunity to really crack into my autumn workout regime. Right? Either that, or I could spend 4 days eating and drinking too much. Hmmm... Tough decision.

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