Thursday 21 March 2013


Strange week for Labour leader David Shearer, apparently "forgetting" an account containing $50,000. You can forget anything I suppose, but not many of us can overlook a balance like that. We're too busy forgetting stuff like this...

1: Anniversaries and Birthdays. I'm pretty sure this is compulsory for husbands, boyfriends and men generally world-wide. Geez we're useless. Why do you bother?

2: Your Children. So many sports practices, music rehearsals, play-dates and sleepovers - you're bound to get it wrong sometimes. That's why god invented cellphones; so we can all find each other.

3: Car Keys and Sunglasses. Yes, I know you're SUPPOSED to put them back in the same place every time, but sometimes you just DON'T, okay???

4: Where You Parked Your Car. This is not the same thing as forgetting you HAVE a car. I wonder if Shearer's ever forgotten he HAS a car? Quite possibly.

5: Leaving the Oven or Iron On. You haven't... Unless you don't waste precious time going back to check, then you probably have and your house has burned down. Shame.

6: Putting the Rubbish Out. I forgot this this week. Now our bin is still full and I've got nowhere to put the next 7 days' refuse. Bugger. Nothing makes you feel more like a bad husband and neglectful father than forgetting to put the rubbish out. Still, if I could suddenly remember a bank account with heaps of money in it, that'd probably make me feel a bit better.

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